Σύστημα Πυρανίχνευσης - GENT by Honeywell
Τα συστήματα πυρανίχνευσης έχουν εξελιχθεί και παρέχουν ανιχνευτές πολλαπλών στοιχείων ενσωματωμένη μεγαφωνική εγκατάσταση διευθυνσιοδοτημένου τύπου, μονάδες δειγματοληψίας έγκαιρης ειδοποίησης, θερμικά καλώδια κλπ.

From control panels through to manual call points, detectors, bells, door releases and sounders, Gent by Honeywell provides a cost effective conventional fire detection system scalable for sites of all types.
With the Xenex control panel at its hub, Gent can cover up to eight zones. Integrated with the low-current S-Cubed range of sounders incorporating sound, speech and strobe in a single device, Gent ensures a site has high levels of coverage with above average response rates during an emergency situation.
Analogue Addressable (1-6 Loop)
Gent by Honeywell’s Vigilon system is the most comprehensive life safety system available in the market today. The combination of the powerful software in the control panel and the intelligent loop powered devices delivers a flexible, easy to use system for all types of buildings.
The Vigilon system offers a complete range of control panels that can be installed as standalone panels from 1 to 6 loops or as part of multi-panel networks. A system that can meet the needs of a building today and in the future.

Προιόντα Συμβατικής - Production Conventional
Xenex Panel
ES Detect Conventional Detectors
Sounder Beacons
Base Sounder
Electronic Bells
Duct Smoke Detectors
Door Holders
Manual Call Point
Προιόντα Αναλογικής - Production Addressable
The feature-packed Vigilon analogue addressable fire detection and alarm system from Gent offers medium to large sized building owners the latest in system flexibility and control panel aesthetics.
Vigilon offers a degree of system sophistication that has not previously been available and incorporates a host of features designed to make it the simplest system to install, configure and use.
As well as providing the user with clear comprehensive information in the event of a fire, Vigilon additionally provides an entire historic log of the system’s management information. Should a system fault occur a detailed explanation is shown and the user can at any time navigate through the faults history.
For more information on this product, including a full technical specification and ordering code, please click on the PDF icon to download a spec sheet.
Vigilon Plus System Overview
Voice Alarms and Loudspeakers
Gent By Honeywell offers a complete range of Voice Alarm systems integrated with the Vigilon Detection system to suit a wide range of sites and applications.
The Honeywell Voice Alarm system is supported by the appropriate EN54 standards and is complimented by a range of certified loudspeakers to ensure the system is both compliant with regulations and will perform reliably.
Gent also offers comprehensive support for system designers which can be accessed through the Gent 24 Network.

S-Quad Sensor, Sounder and Visual
Beam Detectors
Nano Control Panel
Manual Call Point
Anti - Ligature Device
LCD Repeat Indicator
Vigilon Plus 4 and 6 Loop Panels
Advanced Vigilon Loop Card
Compact Plus Control Panel
S-Quad Sensor and Sensor Sounder
A3 Mimic
S - Cubed
Duct Smoke Sensor
For more information on this product, including a full technical specification and ordering code, please click on the PDF icon to download a spec sheet.

Aspirating Smoke Detection
Honeywell's range of Aspirating Smoke Detection, also known as Air Sampling Detection (ASD) systems can detect fires at a very early stage, often before visible smoldering takes place, before an open fire occurs and before intense smoke develops.
ASD can detect fires significantly faster than point or beam smoke detectors enabling a fast response to the first signs of smoke. This early detection is particular vital to mission
critical and high-risk applications. The devices can also be
set to a sensitivity state of a traditional point detector; this is used where access, aesthe-tics and the environment may be a concern within certain types of buildings.
A range of interface units are available to connect the fire detection system with other detection equipment or to control plant and fire protection equipment.

Loop Powered Interfaces
Main Switching Interface
Mains Powered Interface

Mains Powered Interface
Main Switching Interfaces
Loop Powered Interfaces
Duct Smoke Detector
Custom Doors